Keynotes and conference papers

Keynote lectures/ Mari Korpela

Hankauksia etnografisen tutkimuksen eettisessä ennakkoarvioinnissa: Onko vika tutkijassa, metodissa vai toimikunnassa? (Frictions with the ethical review process of ethnographic research: Is the fault with the method, the researcher or the ethics committee?) (with Dr. Mitra Härkönen) A meeting of the Finnish Ethics Committees, organised by the the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK), Helsinki. 15.11.2024.

Ethical Review in a Horizon Consortium: Frustrations, Solutions and Academic Diplomaacy. Working as agreed – Agreements and good ethical practices in research projects -webinar. Tampere University. 13.11.2024

Miten kansainväliset osaajat pidetään kaupungeissa? 10 suurimman kaupungin strategisen johtamisen ”kehittämispäivä”, Kuntaliitto. Helsinki. 27.9.2024

Kansainväliset osaajat sekä puolisoiden ja perheiden asema. Osaavan työvoiman saatavuus ja saatavuuden varmistaminen -työpaja. Tampereen kaupunki. 17.5.2024.

Transnationally Mobile but Life is Here and Now: Experiences of Expatriate Children and Teenagers in Finland. Work in progress seminar, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, UK. 15.2.2024.

Life is here and now: Experiences and Views of Expatriate Children and Teenagers in Finland. Symposium: Mobile Professionals and Families. Tampere University, Finland. 18.1.2024.

Successes & Failures: an ethnographic study among children of highly skilled international professionals in Finland. Childhood and Youth Network. University of Manchester, UK. 11.10.2023.

Ekspatriaattilapsuus: Lasten kokemuksia tilapäisestä maahanmuutosta. Faculty of Education and Culture. Tampere University, Finland. 10.10.2023.

‘Where Should the Orthodox Christian Go?’ The (Un)intentional Distinctions Based on Religion in a Finnish International School. Religion and Society seminar, Durham University. Nov. 1, 2022.

Deconstructing Privilege: The Everyday Lives of Expatriate Children in Finland. Keynote presentation in the IMISCOE Privileged Mobilities research network Online Talks. Oct. 7, 2022.

”Then we decided not to tell adults.” Ethnographic Fieldwork among Children in an International School. Zoom presentation. Webinar: ‘Ethnographic Research Methods in Childhood Studies’. Tampere University, Finland. 29.10.2020

Do Class Differences Matter for Third Culture Kids? Zoom presentation. Webinar by Families in Global Transition, research network. 26.6.2020.

Living on the Edge when Time Goes by. Lifestyle Migration within Changing Political and Economic Circumstances.Practicing lifestyle migration in changing political, economic and environmental times. Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. 28.11.2019.

Transnational Migration in Transition: Transformative Characteristics of Temporary Mobility of People (EURA-NET). Nordic Staff Mobility Conference, University of Tampere, Finland. 5.10.2016. 

Experiences of mobility, definitions of home and belonging. Western Lifestyle Migrant Children in Goa, India. Inimkond: Current Issues in Anthropology and Beoynd. Estonian Institute of Humanities, University of Tallinn, Estonia. 11.3.2015.

Searching for a better life in the incredible India. Lifestyle migrants constructing ”real Indias” in Varanasi and Goa.Musica em contexto: Serie de Coloquios. Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lissabon, Portugal. 28.11.2014.

”Muuten hän oli niinkuin yksi heistä vain.” Tutkijan monet roolit ja kentän rajat etnografisessa tutkimuksessa Intian Goan länsimaalaisten lasten parissa. (”Otherwise she was just like one of them.” The many roles of a researcher and the boundaries of the field in ethnographic research among Western children in Goa, India) Jatkokoulutusseminaari Kieli, kulttuuri ja kenttätyö. Joensuu, Finland, 2.6.2014.

More Vibes in India. Westerners in Search of a Better Life in Varanasi and Goa. Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. 13.6.2011.

Conference papers/ Mari Korpela

An ethnographic film with international teenagers: Negotiating the urban space and disseminating among policy-makers. Symposium: Performing Arts in Urban Space, Creative Methods in Social Research: Afternoon session for research papers. Tampere University. 11.12.2024.

Privileged precarious childhood? The Nordic Migration Research conference The politics of Mobility and Precarity – and the Alternatives. Bergen, Norway. 15.8.2024.

Friends and Family Here and Now or There and Then? Experiences of Children of Skilled International Professionals in Finland. The EASA conference Doing and Undoing in Anthropology. Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 24.7.2024.

A community of their own: Everyday experiences of expatriate children in Finland. Childhood and Communities: The X Conference of Childhood Studies. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 16.5.2024.

Visual methods with expatriate youth in Finland: What is actually made visible? AAA & Casca conference ”Transitions”. Toronto, Canada. 19.11.2023.

Observing and Participating: Ethnographic Research Among Expatriate Children and Youth in Finland. PARS Playwork Practice Conference. 14.10.2023.

Immigrants, Third Culture Kids or International Children: Is it about Class, Race, Nationality or Something Else? At critical crossroads in Nordic Childhood Studies: 40th Anniversary conference of the Nordic journal BARN. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. 16.8.2023.

Expatriates or Skilled Professionals? Travellers or migrants? Tourism, Travel, Culture and Heritage Research Group Symposium ”At the Intersections of Travel.”Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 3.7.2023.

“She was writing down notes more furiously than ever before.” The dynamics of play and jokes during fieldwork with expatriate youth in Finland. Annual confrence of the ASA ”An Unwell World? Anthropology in a Speculative Mode.” SOAS, London, UK. 13.4.2023.

Hanging out with the Boys. International Teens in Finland. RAI Film Festival and online conference ”Visual anthropology and speculative futures”. University of Bristol, UK. 8.3.2023.

Lifestyle Migrants Searching for a Better Life in India. The seminar ”Transnationalism and societal transformation in India.” The Research Centre on Transnationalism and Transformation (TRANSIT). Tampere University, 14.10.2022.

Doing visual anthropology with children and teenagers: Disappointments, failures, joys and excitement. The EASA conference ”Transformation, Hope and the Commons.” Belfast, UK. 26.7.2022.

International children and the infrastructures of schools in Finland. Anthropology and Infrastructures. Tampere University. 2.5.2022.

“The school is much better in Finland.” Children of international professionals navigating structural constraints. Global Mobility Humanities Conference. Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea. 29.10.2021.

“I’m having so much fun here!” Expatriate children negotiating rules and practices in a Finnish international school. Breaking the rules. Power, participation, transgression. SIEF 15th conference. University of Helsinki. 23.6.2021.

International Lives and Finnish Rhythms: Expatriate Children and Time. Childhood and Time. Conference on Childhood Studies. Tampere University. 12.5.2021.

Expatriates or Migrants? The Experiences and Views of Skilled Professionals’ Children in Finland. Colonial/ Racial Histories, National Narratives & Transnational Migration. Nordic Migration Research (NMR) and Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) conference. University of Helsinki. 11.1.2021.

Mitä tapahtui kun valintakokeiden tilalle tuli MOOC-kurssi? In collaboration with Marko Salonen, Hanna-Leena Ristimäki, Raakel Inkeri & Arho Toikka. Pedaforum 2020. University of Oulu. 20.8.2020.

”When Time Stops. Tourist Disappearances and Deaths in India.” The Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society: One Time. Helsinki, Finland, 29.8.-30.8.2019. 

”We must stay for the exams!” Pacing mobilities and immobilities among lifestyle migrant families in Goa, India. The EASA conference ”Staying – Moving – Settling”, Stockholm, Sweden, 14.8.-17.8.2018.

“India has got it!” “Western” Lifestyle Migrants in India, Neither Tourists nor Residents. Seminar: Research on India in Finland. Embassy of India, Helsinki, Finland. 11.5.2017.

“I haven’t travelled around the world a lot.” Lifestyle migrant Children’s Views on their transnationally mobile life in Goa, India. The Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society: Entangled Mobilities. Jyväskylä, Finland. 22.5.-23.5. 2017.

Temporary Migration between the EU and Asia. The Policy Workshop: Reappraising the EU legal Migration Acquis. Legal Pathways for a New Model of Economic Migration and the Role of Social Sciences Research.  Centre for European Policy Studies. Brussels, Belgium. 27.1.2017.

Transnational Migration in Transition: Characteristics of People’s Temporary Mobility. Framing Transnational Migration between Asia and Europe: Actors, Instruments, and Priorities. European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. 17.10.2016.

Lifestyle migration as a form of temporary migration: Conceptual jargon or a useful lens? Intersecting Routes to a Better Way of Life Methodological, theoretical and thematic issues in lifestyle and amenity migration research. Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 13.-14.10.2016.

Multilocated and multilayered borders: the case of temporary migrants in Finland, Borderless worlds – for whom? Ethics, moralities and (in)justice in migration and tourism. University of Oulu, Finland. 7.9.2016. 

Transnational Migration in Transition: Transformative Characteristics of Temporary Mobility of People (EURA-NET) Temporary Migration and Workers’ Rights: Irreconcilalable Differences. Comparing EU-Asia Esperiences and Perspectives. Human Rights Council, UN, Geneva, Switzerland. 13.6.2016.

”I climb trees and they should take care of their rubbish! Lifestyle migrant chidlren’s views of the environment in  Goa, India. The Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society: Landscapes, sociality and materiality.Helsinki, Finland. 21.10.-22.10.2015.

Transnational Migration in Transition: Characteristics of Temporary Mobility of People. Workshop on Migration, Research and Innovation, European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation. Brussels, Belgium. 16.9.2016.

Family and Lifestyle Migration. The seminar: The Future of Lifestyle Migration Research. Godlsmiths College, University of London, London, UK, 24.10.2014.

Lifestyle of Freedom? Individualism and Lifestyle Migration. Book launch of Understanding Lifestyle Migration. Godlsmiths College, University of London, London, UK, 23.10.2014.

Mobile childhood: lifestyle migrant children in Goa, India in the plenary ”Young Scholars’ Forum”. The EASA conference ”Collaboration, Intimacy and Revolution – innovation and continuity in interconnected world, Tallinn, Estonia, 31.7.-3.8.2014.

A culture of their own? Lifestyle migrant children in Goa, India. The EASA conference ”Collaboration, Intimacy and Revolution – innovation and continuity in interconnected world, Tallinn, Estonia, 31.7.-3.8.2014.

Anthropology of mobility keyword: Infrastructure. The AAA (American Anthropological Association) conference ”Future Publics, Current Engagements”. Chicago, USA. 20.-24.11.2013.

Western lifestyle migrant children defining home and belonging in Goa, India. International conference: Practising the good life/ The good life practices. Lisbon, Portugal. 17.-18.10.2013.

Beyond methodological nationalism: Learning from the lifestyle migrant children in Goa, India. International workshop – Fielding Challenges. Challenging the Fields: The methodologies of Mobility. Oxford, UK. 27.-28.9.2013. 

Comparing lifestyle migration and marginal mobility: Similarities and differences. Ethnographies of Mobility – International seminar. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21.-22.8.2013.

Growing up in a Lifestyle of Mobility: An advantage or a disadvantage? Children of Western lifestyle migrants in Goa, India. The IUAES conference ”Evolving Humanity, Emerging Worlds”. Manchester, UK, 5.-10.8.2013. 

“Can I draw a Diamond?” Drawings and Photos as Ethnographic Data among Lifestyle Migrant Children in Goa, India. The Finnish Anthropology Conference. University of Tampere, Finland. 16.-17.5.2013.

Support, self-promotion and criticism: Lifestyle migrants in Goa on Facebook. Workshop ”Facebook, research and society.” University of Tampere, Finland. 18.4.2013. 

Elämää ihmeellisessä Intiassa: Varanasin ja Goan länsimaalaisten elämäntapasiirtolaisten käsityksiä ja kokemuksia ”todellisesta Intiasta”. Tutkijaseminaari Kohtaamisia Intian kanssa. Tampere, Finland. 30.11.2012.

Against the national Order of Things. The Transnational Childhood of Western Children in Goa, India.  Seminar ”Methodological Transnationalism”. Turku, Finland. 23.11.2012.

”This is my room… for six months”: mobile childhood of Western children in Goa, India. The EASA conference “Uncertainty and Disquiet,”  Nanterre, France, 10– 13.7.2012.

Against the National Order of Things? Children of Bohemian Lifestyle Migrants in Goa, India.  Ethnographies of Mobility—International seminar. University of Tampere, Finland. 9.-11.5.2012.

Aestheticisation of Artefacts in the Lives of Western Lifestyle Migrant Children in Goa, India. Annual conference of the ASA ’Arts and Aesthetics in the Globalising World,’ Delhi, India, 3.-6.4.2012.

Strong  Vibes in Banaras. The Views of Western Sojourners on the Holy City. Conference: Banaras Revisited: Scholarly Pilgrims to the City of Light. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Trondheim, Norway. 7.-8.10.2011.

Länsimaalaiset Intiassa. Annual Convention of Finnish Anthropologists, University of Helsinki. 5.-7.10.2011.

Länsimaalaiset lapset Intian Goalla. Kuinka saada aineistoa heidän kokemuksistaan kodista, kuulumisesta ja identiteetistä?  Tutkijaseminaari: ”Lapsuuden ja nuoruuden tutkimuksen menetelmät ja lapsuus– ja nuorisokuvat”. Nuorisotutkimusseura ja lapsuudentutkimuksen seura. University of Helsinki. 28.9.2011.

Dangers in Paradise. Western Children Living in Goa, India. The Annual Convention of Finnish Childhood Researchers, University of Helsinki. 6.-7.6.2011.

Local Videshis: Westerners performing the Role of Music Students in Varanasi, India. The SIEF conference ”People Make Places. Ways of Feeling the World.” Lisbon, Portugal, 17.-21.4.2011.

Living Happily Ever After or Ending up in Another Crises? Bohemian Lifestyle Migrants in Varanasi, India. The EASA conference “Crises and Imagination,”  Maynooth, Ireland, 24- 27.8.2010.

Westerners in Varanasi, India: A permanent yet temporary community. Annual convention of Finnish anthropologists, University of Helsinki. 11.-12.5.2010

Bohemian Lifestyle Migration. Workshop Theorizing Lifestyle Migration. Conceptual Approaches for the Study of Leisure-oriented Movements and Residential Tourism, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales & Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain. 29.1.-28.1.2010.

Länsimaalaisten elämäntapasiirtolaisten yhteisö Varanasissa, Intiassa. Annual convention of Finnish anthropologists, University of Helsinki. 15.-17.5.2008

Hippies and colonialists. Colonial Past and Post-Colonial Present: What Remains and What Changes among Western Expatriates in Varanasi, India? Invited workshop Post/colonial Encounters? Colonial and Contemporary Expatriates in Comparative Perspective, University of Sussex,  Brighton. UK, 27.-28.9.2007.

Living between India and the West: the Community of Westerners in Varanasi. Annual confrence of the ASA ’Thinking through Tourism’ London, UK, 9.-11.4.2007.

The Community of Westerners in Varanasi, India. Creating Local Space in a Global Setting. Etmu Days. Kulttuuri, rajat ja transnationaalisuus. Tampere, 27- 28.10.2006.

The Community of Westerners in Varanasi: Lifestyle of Change, Community of Continuity. The EASA conference “Europe and the World,”  Bristol, United Kingdom, 18- 21.9.2006.

Feministi etsimässä paikantunutta tietoa Varanasin länsimaalaisten keskuudesta. The annual conference on Women’s Studies, University of Jyväskylä. 19.-20.11.2004.

”Everyone comes back here!” The Community of Westerners in Varanasi, India. Youth research days, Helsinki. 4.-5.11.2004.

Ragas and Thumris. Westerners learning classical Indian music in Varanasi. EASA conference “Face to Face. Connecting Distance and Proximity. Wien, Austria. 8-12.9.2004.

Doing Ethnographic Fieldwork in the Community of Westerners in Varanasi, India. The annual conference on Cultural Studies, Helsinki.12.-13.12.2003.

A young blond woman doing fieldwork in a community of Westerners in Varanasi, India. A postgraduate course  ‘Gender and ethnography’, University of Tampere. 27.-28.11.2003.

How did I feel during my fieldwork and how these feelings affect my research? The annual conference on Women’s Studies, University of Rovaniemi, 14.-15.11.2003.

The Community of Westerners: Seeking for the ‘Authentic’ India on their own terms. Summer school ’’Intervention, local politics and the state’, The Finnish graduate school of development studies. Lammi, 14.-16.8.2003.

Searching for the Ideal in India. The Community of Westerners in Varanasi. Summer School ‘Activism’, University of Jyväskylä, 9.-12.6.2003.

”Arki on helpompaa, jos esitän intialaista naista.” Nuoret eurooppalaisnaiset ristiriitaisissa rooleissa Varanasissa, Intiassa. The annual conference on Women’s Studies, University of Joensuu. 16.-17.11.2001. 

“Olen löytänyt todellisen minäni.” Nuorten eurooppalaisnaisten itsemäärittelyä Varanasissa, Intiassa.  The annual conference on Women’s Studies, University of Oulu. 17.-18.11.2000.

“I’m not like Indian Women”. Reflections of Young European Women in Varanasi, India. Conference “Gender, Development and Post-Colonial Theory”. University of Helsinki. 25.-29.9. 2000.