Hanging Out (2023)
Korpela. Mari. 2024. International Children and the Institutional Infrastructures of School in Finland. Suomen Antropologi -Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 48:2, 123-126.
Korpela, Mari. 2024. Having a Laugh and Negotiating the Situation: The Significance of Humor During Fieldwork Among International Teenagers. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.
Korpela, Mari (2024). ”Where Should the Orthodox Christian Go?” Distinctions Based on Religion and Language in a Finnish International School. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 14:1, 4, 1–17.
Korpela, Mari (2023). Under the Radar – Expatriate Children and Integration in Finland. Barn. Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden. 41:2-3, 107-120.
Korpela, Mari (2023). International lives and Finnish rhythms: Mobile professionals’ children, time and agency. Global Studies of Childhood.
Korpela. Mari (2022). ”Then we decided not to tell the adults.” Fieldwork among children in an international school. Ethnography.
Korpela, Mari. 2020. Avointa ja ilmaista korkeakoulutusta kaikille? Moocien mahdollisuudet ja rajoitteet Aikuiskasvatus. 140-146.
Korpela, Mari (2019). Searching for a countercultural life abroad: neo-nomadism, lifestyle mobility or bohemian lifestyle migration? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 46:14, 3352-3369.
Korpela, Mari (2018). Moving to Paradise for the Children’s Sake. Migration Letters. 15:1. 55-65.
Korpela, Mari (2017). “India has got it!”: lifestyle migrants constructing “Incredible Indias” in Varanasi and Goa. Ethnografica. 21:1. 153-173.
Korpela, Mari, Hirvi Laura & Tawah Sanna (2016). Not Alone. Doing Fieldwork in the Company of Family Members. Suomen Antropologi. Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society. 41:3, 4-20.
Korpela, Mari (2016). A (Sub)Culture of Their Own: Children of Lifestyle Migrants in Goa, India. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 25:4, 470-488.
Fechter Anne-Meike & Korpela, Mari (2016). Interrogating child migrants or ‘Third Culture Kids’ in Asia: An introduction. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 25:4, 422-428.
Korpela, Mari (2014). Growing up cosmopolitan? Children of Western Lifestyle Migrants in Goa, India. COLLeGIUM. Studies across disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Vol. 15, 90-115.
Korpela, Mari (2013). Marginally Mobile? The Vulnerable Lifestyle of the Westerners in Goa. Two Homelands. 38. 63-72.
Korpela, Mari & Raluca Nagy (2013). Introduction: Limitations to Temporary Mobility. International Review of Social Research 3:1. 1-6.
Korpela, Mari & Jukka Jouhki (2011). “From a Workshop into a Network: Finland-Based India Researchers Unite. A report from the India workshop at the annual conference of Finnish Anthropological Society, October 2011.” Suomen antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society. 36:4. 88-94.
Korpela, Mari & Miles-Watson, Jonathan (2010). “Indiascapes. Reflecting on India at the 11th EASA Conference”.Suomen antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society. 35:3.71-79.
Korpela, Mari (2010). “Westerners in Search of a Better Life in India. Lectio Praecursoria/Research Report”. Suomen antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society. 35:1, 74-82.
Korpela, Mari (2010). ”Leppoista elämää ulkomailla: Mitä on elämäntapasiirtolaisuus?” (Easy life abroad: what is lifestyle migration?) Kulttuurintutkimus. 27:4, 72-77.
Korpela, Mari (2010). A Postcolonial Imagination? Westerners Searching for Authenticity in India. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 36:8, 1299-1315.
Republished (2012) in Anne-Meike Fechter & Katie Walsh (eds.) The New Expatriates. Postcolonial Approaches to Mobile Professionals. UK: Routledge.
Korpela, Mari (2010). Me, Myself and I: Western Lifestyle Migrants in Search of Themselves in Varanasi, India.Recreation and Society in Africa, Asia & Latin America, 1:1.
Korpela, Mari (2007). Kauas pois. Länsimaalaisten nuorten monikulttuuriset kokemukset Intiassa. (Far away. The multicultural experiences of Western Youth in India) Nuorisotutkimus 25:4, 3-17.
Korpela, Mari (2006). ’I’m Not Like Indian Women.’ Reflections of Young European Women in Varanasi, India. Jargonia 9:1-21

Korpela Mari (2022) Vapauden valtakunta vai mystisen viisauden koti? Elämäntapamuuttajat ihmeellisessä Intiassa. In Mikko Autere & Hanna Mannila (eds.) Etelä-Aasian yhteiskunta, kulttuuri ja politiikka: Intia, Pakistan ja Bangladesh. Turku: University of Turku. 237-255.
Korpela, Mari (2020). “We must stay for the exams!” Pacing mobilities and immobilities among lifestyle migrant families in Goa, India. In Vered Amit & Noel B. Salazar. Pacing mobilities: a consideration of shifts in the timing, intensity, tempo and duration of mobility. Berghahn Publishers. 100-119.
Marco Eimermann, Matthew Hayes & Mari Korpela. (2019) Conference proceedings for the Lifestyle Migration Hub meeting 28-29 November 2019, Umeå University, Sweden. Umeå: Institutionen för Geografi.
Korpela, Mari, Hyytiä Jaakko & Pitkänen Pirkko (2019). Transformative impacts of temporary migration in Finland. In Pirko Pitkänen, Maruja Asia, Tomoko Hayakawa, Irydaya Rajan, Mustafa Aksakal & Kerstin Schmidt (eds) Comparative analysis of transformative characteristics and development impacts of temporary migration. New Delhi: Routledge. 235-257.
Korpela, Mari & Ojala-Fulwood, Maija (2018). Seasonal Migration as a Lifestyle. In Maija Ojala-Fulwood (ed.) Migration and Multi-ethnic Communities. Mobile People. From the Late Middle Ages to the Present. De Gruyter Oldenbourg. 123-143.
Korpela, Mari. (2017). “India has got it!” “Western” Lifestyle Migrants in India, Neither Tourists nor Residents. In Xenia Zeiler (ed.) Research on India in Finland. Helsinki: Embassy of India. 66-73.
Korpela, Mari, Hyytiä Jaakko & Pitkänen Pirkko (2017) Navigating bureaucracies, intentions and relationships: Temporary transnational migration between Finland and Asia. In Pirkko Pitkänen, Mari Korpela, Mustafa Aksakal, Kerstin Schmidt (eds.) Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces.Dordrecht: Springer. 213-232.
Aksakal Mustafa, Schmidt Kerstin Korpela, Mari & Pitkänen Pirkko, (2017). Introduction: Temporary Migration in Asian-European Social Spaces. In Pirkko Pitkänen, Mari Korpela, Mustafa Aksakal, Kerstin Schmidt (eds.) Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces. Dordrecht: Springer. 1-25.
Pirkko Pitkänen, Mari Korpela, Kerstin Schmidt and Mustafa Aksakal (2017). Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration. In Pirkko Pitkänen, Mari Korpela, Mustafa Aksakal, Kerstin Schmidt (eds.) Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces.Dordrecht: Springer. 233-247.
Korpela, Mari & Pitkänen, Pirkko. (2017). Temporary migration between the EU and Asia. In Sergio Carrera, Andrew Geddes, Elspeth Guild and Marco Stefan (eds.). Pathways towards Legal Migration in the EU: Reappraising concepts, trajectories and policies. Centre of European Policy Studies: Brussels. 8-14.
Korpela, Mari (2017). Finland: an overview. In Linda Lowry (ed.) The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism. Los Angeles: Sage. 484-485.
Korpela, Mari (2016). Infrastructure. In Noel Salazar & Kiran Jayaram (eds.) Keywords of Mobility: Critical Anthropological Engagements. Oxford: Berghahn Books. 117-136.
Korpela, Mari (2014). Lifestyle of Freedom? Individualism and Lifestyle Migration. In Michaela Benson & Nick Osbaldiston (eds.) Understanding Lifestyle Migration: Theoretical Approaches to Migration and the Quest for a Better Way of Life. Hampshire: Palgrave. 27-46.
Korpela, Mari & Pitkänen, Pirkko (2014). Characteristic Features of Temporary Border-Crossing Migration. In Pirkko Pitkänen & Mari Korpela (eds.) Characteristics of Temporary Transnational Migration. Collected Working Papers from the EURA-NET project. 362-371.
Korpela, Mari, Hyytiä Jaakko, Pitänen Pirkko, Rantanen Pekka & Raunio Mika (2014). Temporary Migration in Finland. In Pirkko Pitkänen & Sergio Carrera (eds.) Transnational Migration in Transition: State of the Art Report on Temporary Migration. Collected Working papers from the EURA-NET project. 82-114.
Korpela, Mari, Hyytiä Jaakko, Pitkänen Pirkko, Rantanen Pekka & Raunio Mika (2014). Types of Temporary Border-Crossing Movement to and from Finland. In Pirkko Pitkänen & Mari Korpela (eds.) Characteristics of Temporary Transnational Migration. Collected Working Papers from the EURA-NET project. 65-96.
Korpela, Mari (2014). Strong Vibes in Banaras: The Views of Western Sojourners on the Holy City. In Istvan Keul (ed.) Banaras Revisited. Scholarly Pilgrimages to the City of Light. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 49-62.
Korpela, Mari (2013). Westerners in Varanasi, India: A Permanent yet Temporary Community. In Mari Korpela & Fred Dervin (eds.) Cocoon Communities: Togetherness in the 21st Century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 37-57.
Korpela, Mari (2009). When a Trip to Adulthood Becomes a Lifestyle: The Community of Westerners in Varanasi, India.In Karen O’Reilly & Michaela Benson (eds.) A New Life? Expectations, aspirations, and experiences of lifestyle migration. Aldershot: Ashgate. 15-30.
Dervin Fred & Korpela, Mari (2013). “Introduction”. In Mari Korpela & Fred Dervin (eds.) Cocoon Communities: Togetherness in the 21st Century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 1-13.
Korpela, Mari (2013). ”Ihmisiä liikkeessä: Intian boheemit elämäntapasiirtolaiset ja asioiden kansallinen järjestys”. (People on the move. Bohemian lifestyle migrants in India and the national order of things). In Mikko Lehtonen (ed.) Liike, rajat ja tieto. Tampere: Vastapaino. 131-149.
Korpela, Mari (2011). ”Vaaroja paratiisissa—Intian Goalla asuvat länsimaalaiset lapset”. (Dangers in Paraside: Western children living in Goa, India) In Emma Aalto, Maarit Alasuutari, Tarja Heino, Tuuli Lamponen ja Niina Rutanen (eds.) Suojeltu Lapsuus? Raportti Lapsuudentutkimuksen päiviltä 2011. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. 49-50.
Korpela, Mari (2005).”Länsimaalaisten elämä Intian Varanasissa: rikasta köyhäilyä, vastakulttuuria vai aktivismia?” (The life of Westerners in Varanasi, India: Rich acting poor, a counterculture or activism?) In Susanna Paasonen (ed.) Aktivismi: verkostoja, järjestöjä ja arjen taitoja, Jyväskylän Nykykulttuurin tutkimuksen yksikkö. 137-160.
Korpela, Mari, Rantalaiho Liisa, Hirsiaho Anu (2005). ”Johdanto” (Introduction). In Anu Hirsiaho, Mari Korpela, Liisa Rantalaiho (eds.) Kohtaamisia rajoilla. Helsinki: SKS. 11-18.

Korpela, Mari (2009). More Vibes in India. Westerners in Search of a Better Life in Varanasi. Tampere: Tampere University Press. (PhD)
Edited books
Pirkko Pitkänen & Mari Korpela & Mustafa Aksakal & Kerstin Schmidt (eds.) (2017). Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces. Dordrecht: Springer.
Pitkänen, Pirkko & Korpela, Mari (eds.) (2014). Characteristics of Temporary Transnational Migration. Collected Working Papers from the EURA-NET project.
Korpela, Mari & Dervin, Fred (eds.). (2013). Cocoon Communities: Togetherness in the 21th century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Korpela Mari, Hirsiaho Anu, Rantalaiho Liisa (eds.). (2005). Kohtaamisia rajoilla. (Encounters at Boundaries) Helsinki: SKS.
Lounela, Anu & Korpela, Mari. 2024. Forum: Infrastructure: Introduction. Suomen Antropologi – Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 48:2, 84-92.
Korpela Mari & Fechter Anne-Meike (2016). Special issue “Child migrants or ‘Third Culture Kids’? Critical approaches to transnationally mobile children and youth.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal. 25:4.
Korpela, Mari & Nagy, Raluca (2013). Special issue “Limitations to Temporary Mobility”. International Review of Social Research 3:1.
Korpela, Mari & Härkönen Mitra (2024) Eettinen ennakkoarviointi kansainvälisen tutkimushankkeen koetinkivenä. (Challenges of the ethical review process in an international research consortium). AntroBlogi. 22.2.2024.
Korpela, Mari (2024) Tutkijavaihdossa Brexitin jälkeisessä Isossa-Britanniassa. (Experiences of a visiting scholar in the post-Brexit UK). Tieteessä tapahtuu. 22.2.2024.
Korpela, Mari (2016). Kylmästä lämpimään. Suomalaiset eläkeläiset talvipakolaisena Thaimaassa. (Finnish retirees in Thailand) AntroBlogi. 22.6.2016.
Korpela, Mari (2015). ”That’s a Big Sun!” Drawings on Mobile Childhood. Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art & World (allegralaboratory.net) 15.5.2015
Korpela, Mari (2007). “Samaan aikaan toisaalla…“ (Elsewhere at the same time) Kommentti: Nuorisotutkimuksen verkkokanava. 28.8.2007

Korpela, Mari. (2023). Book review: Maxwell, Claire, Yemini, Miri and Mygind Bach, Katrine. Nurturing Mobilities. Family Travel in the 21st Century. In Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 13:1.
Korpela, Mari. (2021) Book review: Jennie Molz Germann. The World is Our Classroom. Extreme Parenting and the Rise of Worldschooling. In Youth and Globalization. 3:2, 437-439.
Korpela, Mari. (2021) Book review: Nicola Frost & Tom Selwyn (eds.) Travelling towards home: mobilities and homemaking. In the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 27:4, 1018-1019.
Korpela, Mari (2021). Book review: Braukmann Fabienne, Michaela Haug, Katja Metzmacher, and Rosalie Stolz (eds.). Being a Parent in the Field. Implications and Challenges of Accompanied Fieldwork. In Anthropos. 116:1, 218.
Korpela, Mari (2021). Book review: Danau Tanu. Growing Up in Transit: The Politics of Belonging at an International School. In Social Anthropology. 28:4.
Korpela, Mari (2015). Book review: Paula Könnilä. Sisua ja mañanaa – Suomalaiset Espanjan Aurinkorannikolla. In Nordic Journal of Migration Research 5: 4.
Korpela, Mari (2014). Book review: Hirvi, Laura & Snellman, Hanna (eds.). Where is the Field? The Experience of Migration Viewed through the Prism of Ethnographic Fieldwork in Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 4:2. 91-92
Korpela. Mari (2012) Book review: Assa Doron: Caste, Occupation and politics on the Ganges: Passages of Resistance in Anthropology in Action 19:2, 44-45.
Korpela, Mari (2012). Book review: Noel B. Salazar: Envisioning Eden. Mobilizing Imaginaries in Tourism and Beyondin Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology 77:2, 282-284.
Korpela, Mari (2010). Book review: Pola Bousiou: The Nomads of Mykonos. Performing Liminalities in a Queer Space in Anthropology in Action 17: 2-3, 120-121.
Korpela, Mari (2009). PhD dissertation: More Vibes in India. Westerners in Search of a Better Life in Varanasi. Tampere: TUP.
Korpela, Mari (1999). Master’s thesis: “I’m Not Indian.” Reflections of Young European Women in Varanasi, India.
Korpela, Mari (2012). Liisa Malkki: Ihmiskunnan kansalaiset. Kansainvälisyysaate ja kansojen kuviteltu yhteisö. (Citizens of Humanity: Internationalism and the Imagined Community of Nations). Laura Huttunen (ed.). Kulttuuri, paikka ja muuttoliike. Vastapaino: Tampere. 51-81.
Korpela, Mari (2005). Marjorie Mbilinyi: Aktivismia Tansaniassa, Kamppailua rajoista ja osallistavaa toimintaa. (Contesting Borders: Thoughts on Participatory Principles in Emancipatory Struggles). Korpela Mari, Hirsiaho Anu, Rantalaiho Liisa (eds.). Kohtaamisia rajoilla. Helsinki: SKS. 188-205.
Antropodi: Ekspatriaattien tutkimusta Intiassa ja Suomessa. Dec. 2023.